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Welcome to PDF Guru: the comprehensive solution for integrating PDFs seamlessly into your Shopify store, both on the storefront for your customers and in the backend for management ease.

Summary of the App

PDF Guru enables Shopify store owners to effortlessly embed or link PDFs within their store pages. This app organizes your PDFs in a searchable format, allowing for simple display options: embed directly onto pages or present through pop-up links, ensuring users stay within your store's ecosystem.

Storefront Features

With PDF Guru, you can enhance your storefront in two primary ways:

  • Embed PDFs: Directly integrate PDF content into your pages for immediate viewing.
  • Pop-up Links: Offer PDFs through clickable buttons or links, opening content in a user-friendly pop-up viewer without redirecting or opening new tabs.

Customize the PDF viewer to control user interactions, ensuring a tailored browsing experience that aligns with your store's objectives.

Backend Capabilities

The backend is where PDF Guru truly excels, designed to manage a large volume of PDFs and product associations with ease:

  • Bulk Uploads: Quickly upload from one to fifty PDFs, either from your computer or via external URLs.

  • Efficient Organization: Tag and search functionality make managing and locating PDFs straightforward.

  • Product Links: Effortlessly link PDFs to products or variants, with tools to facilitate bulk operations via spreadsheets for extensive catalogs.

  • Custom Design Tools: A built-in designer for buttons/lists ensures that PDF access points blend seamlessly with your store's design.

  • Versatile Linking: Beyond individual PDFs, assign entire PDF collections to specific product variants for dynamic content delivery.

  • Exact Placement of PDFs: Not only can PDFs be placed within the theme editor, but if more control is needed, the PDFs can be placed anywhere in the store.

PDF Guru is built to enhance how you offer PDFs to your customers while streamlining backend management, making it an indispensable tool for any Shopify store looking to leverage PDF content effectively.